Project Management Cost Control Training
DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Training Project Management Cost Control yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan pengelolaan Biaya Project Plant Operation mulai meliputi Perencanaan Biaya/Budgetary serta Pengendalian/Pengawasan Cost Spending
Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam konteks dunia proyek sehingga lebih familier dengan aktivitas proyek sehari-hari.

Training ini akan mengajarkan kepada Anda untuk menguasai skill penting seorang Project Cost Planner Controller diantaranya :
- Audit Project Cost
- MerencanakanMengkontrol alokasi Biaya Project Resource (Manpower, alat sarana pendukung proyek lainnya) yang di pakai terkait dengan pekerjaan
- Schema Project Plan dan Work Breakdown  Structure/WBS
- Pemantauan  Perkembangan  Proyek
- Menyajikan  Laporan  Biaya Proyek
DEVELOP menerapkan Silabus Training Project Cost Management Control dengan tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :
Sesi 1-2 Project Cost Management Overview, Budget DeterminationContingency Reserves
Skill Focus:
- Project Cost Management Overview
- Project Cost Budget Determination/Cost PlanningSpending Plan
- Project Cost EstimateBudget Resources
- Cost Inputs, Tools Techniques (Cost Baseline, Project Cost Funding Requirements, Risk IdentificationRisk Register):
- Create Project Budget
- Project cost management plan
- Review Project Scope
- Analyze the risk register
- Analyze the organizational process assets
- Create the project schedule
- Determine the resources
- Perform cost estimates for each activity and work package
- Assess indirect costs
- Create the cost baseline
- Final Project Cost Estimation
- Work Package Contingency Reserves
- Case Study from real past project
Sesi 3-4 Project Cost Control, VarianceCompletion Budget
Skill Focus:
- Project Cost Activity Costing
- Control Project Cost:
- Baseline budget
- Mark-ups
- Contingency Reserve budget for managing identified risks
- Management Reserve budget for unforeseen works
- Track projects costs
- actual costs Record
- Analyze the procurement strategies (long lead items etc)
- Calculateupdate cost metrics
- Update cost estimations
- Communication with team members
- Control productivity of resources
- Travel costs for projects
- Administrative costs
- cost performance analyzes to understand the performance status
- Update the baseline budget
- Earned Value Schedule Variance
- Cost Variance
- Schedule Performance Index Cost Performance Index
- Estimate at CompletionBudget at Completion Forecast
- Case Study from real past project

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.
Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus yang telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.
Tags: bimbingan teknis Project Management Cost Control Training, code standard Project Management Cost Control Training, Jadwal info Pelatihan Project Management Cost Control Training, Onshore Offshore Training Project Management Cost Control Training, Pelatihan diklat Project Management Cost Control Training, Pelatihan Online Project Management Cost Control Training, sertifikasi Project Management Cost Control Training, teknisi ahli Project Management Cost Control Training, Training Kursus Seminar Webinar Bimtek Project Management Cost Control Training, Workshop Events Pelatihan Tatap Muka Project Management Cost Control Training