1. Cost Performance Index/CPI Project Management Workshop


    Cost Performance Index/CPI Project Management Workshop

  2. Kalkulasi&Analisis Pembentukan Harga Konstruksi&Komisioning EPCC (Engineering,Procurement,Construction,Commissioning) Workshop


    Kalkulasi&Analisis Pembentukan Harga Konstruksi&Komisioning EPCC (Engineering,Procurement,Construction,Commissioning) Workshop

  3. Project Management of Powerplant Best Practice Training


    Project Management of Powerplant Best Practice Training

  4. Document Control System for Oil Gas Plants Construction Workshop


    Document Control System for Oil Gas Plants Construction Workshop

  5. Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) Project Management Training


    Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) Project Management Training

  6. Vendor Management&Relation Comprehensive Training


    Vendor Management&Relation Comprehensive Training

  7. Contract Administration&Management Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Contract Administration&Management Workshop yang akan melatih Anda diantaranya tentang : Contract Management,Contract Terms&Conditions Changes Management,Claims&Disputes Contract Schedule,Safety&Punch Lists Contract Closeout dll Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam

  8. Material Information Management System/MIMS Development Training


    Material Information Management System/MIMS Development Training

  9. Investment Analysis&Portfolio Principles Training


    Investment Analysis&Portfolio Principles Training

  10. Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur Workshop


    Manajemen Aset Infrastruktur Workshop

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