Quality Assurance-Quality Control/QAQC

  1. Boilers&Pressure Vessels Workshop


    Boilers&Pressure Vessels Workshop

  2. Sertifikasi Ahli Korosi&Pelapisan Training


    Sertifikasi Ahli Korosi&Pelapisan Training

  3. Cathodic Protection Level I Training


    Cathodic Protection Level I Training

  4. OCTG (Tubing&Casing) Material Selection&Strength Training


    OCTG (Tubing&Casing) Material Selection&Strength Training

  5. Gas Compressor Operation&Maintenance Comprehensive&Understanding Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Gas Compressor Operation&Maintenance Comprehensive&Understanding Training yang sangat berguna Memahami aktifitas Operation & Maintenance Gas Compressor Systems beserta optimalisasi operational fungsinya. Training ini cocok untuk diikuti oleh para

  6. Motor Lifetime Assessment Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Motor Lifetime Assessment Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang : Electrical Motor Evaluation Electric Motor Reliability Equipment Life Analysis Electric Motor Performance Function

  7. Predictive Maintenance of Oil Country Tubular Goods OCTG Tubing&Casing Workshop


    Predictive Maintenance of Oil Country Tubular Goods OCTG Tubing&Casing Workshop

  8. Gas Metering Engineer Service&Quality Workshop


    Dalam industri yang melibatkan transaksi transfer aliran Gas & Fluida, apabila pengukuran Volume Pengiriman tidak akurat, maka perusahaan pemasok ataupun pembeli dapat mengalami kerugian besar. Sehingga untuk memastikan bahwa jumlah

  9. Surface Treatment Engineering Coating Optimization Training


    Surface Treatment Engineering Coating Optimization Training

  10. Granulation Technique Workshop


    Granulation Technique Workshop

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