Sulfur Analyzer Measurement Training

Training Descriptions

Sulfur occurs in varying concentrations in much of the world’s crude oil deposits, ranging from trace levels to 6% or more by weight.
Sulfur content, which remains appreciable through the refining process, is generally an unacceptable contaminant and must be reduced or eliminated from the end product.
This course is intended for individuals responsible for maintaining the Sulfur Analyzer measurement, who have attended the Course and will have experience with the Sulfur Analyzer Principles, measurement and application in the site.
This class is for users who need to perform routine maintenance and calibration of the Sulfur Analyzers.

Training Syllabus

• General
• Measurement Techniques
o X-ray Absorption
o Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy
o Infrared Absorption
o Ultraviolet Techniques
• Application Considerations
• Analyzer Types and Applications
o Detecting Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons Using X-ray Absorption Analyzers
o Detecting Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons Using Infrared Absorption Analyzers
o Detecting Sulfur in Gaseous Hydrocarbons
o Detecting Sulfur Dioxide in Stack Gas Emission Using Ultraviolet Absorption Analyzers
o Detecting Hydrogen Sulfide
• Sample Preparation System
o Materials of Construction
o Sample Point
o Automatic Blow-back
o Other Considerations
• Calibration and Maintenance

Training Objectives

At the end of this presentation you will be able to:
• Explain the fundamentals, basic principles ,and Theory of Operation and Measurement of Sulfur Analyzers
• Able to Choice which one suitable Sulfur Analysers can fit and be used to install in the plant
• Able to do understand type and purpose of Sulfur Analyzers
• Able to do Routine maintenance, calibration and startup of Sulfur analyzers
• Able to do and understand for safety requirements Troubleshooting for online Sulfur analyzer install in the plant


This hands-on course is intended for new or experienced Production Operators and analyzer technicians and LAB Technicians.

Sulfur Analyzer Measurement
Sulfur Analyzer Measurement


* Required

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