Successfully Welded Steel Without Cracks Training

This Training is very useful to gain technical knowledge on the weldability of steel and its common fractures. How to deal with cracks after welding.

Definition of steel. Steel Mechanical Properties. Steel Type. Effect of chemical elements on mechanical properties. Welding test. Cracks in steel welds. Blister. Hydrogen embrittlement. Hydrogen induced cracking. Factors causing HIC. HIC identification. Prevent HIC. Reduces hydrogen cracking in welds. Stress Corrosion Cracking. HAZ dimensions. Post Weld Heat Treatment Preheat.

• Material Engineer
• Metallurgy Engineer
• Coating Engineer
• Welding Engineer
• Pipeline Engineer
• Mechanical Engineer
• Piping Engineer
• Instrument Engineer
• Personnel who want to improve their knowledge
• Personnel who want to get additional technical skills
• Commissioning Engineer, Commissioning Manager&Construction Manager
• Construction/Fabrication Manager, Onshore Fabrication Coordinator
• Engineering Manager&Installation Manager&Interface Manager
• QA/QC Manager, QA/QC Pengawas/QC pemeriksa kualitas, QC Inspector
• Site Engineer, Supervisor/Superintendent, Supervisors (piping, pipeline, welding, painting, mechanical, electrical, instrument)

Successfully Welded Steel Without Cracks
Successfully Welded Steel Without Cracks


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