QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop

DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang pengelolaan dokumen Proyek&Plant Operation, sperti diantaranya:

  • Memahami QAQC Document pada Project&Plant Operations
  • Penggunaan Master Deliverable Register/MDR untuk Document Controller
  • Records Management
  • Document Change Management (Revisioning&Versioning Document Control)
  • Deliverables List pada WO/Work Order
  • Pengelolaan Dokumen Kadaluarsa/Superseeded (Mencegah terpakainya dokumen yang sudah kadaluarsa/superseded)
  • Document Approval (Review, Update&Re-Approving Documents)
  • Handover Documentation&Certificate

Document Control memegang peran penting untuk pengendalian dokumen dan pendistribusian salinan dokumen, termasuk distribusi salinan dari perubahan dokumen.Lingkup Manajemen Dokumen termasuk pengorganisasian dokumen dan siklus hidupnya, termasuk bagaimana dan kapan dokumen-dokumen di buat, di review, diterbitkan dan dimusnahkan.

QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop

QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Kelas QAQC Document Control for Project&Plant Operation Workshop dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Session 1-2

Skill Focus:

Introduction to QAQC in Engineering Projects

  • Overview of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)
  • Importance of QAQC in Engineering Projects and Plant Operations
  • Role of Document Control in QAQC

Principles of Document Control

  • Definition and Purpose of Document Control
  • Key Components of Document Control
  • Document Life Cycle

Regulatory Compliance and Standards

  • Overview of Industry Standards and Regulations
  • Importance of Compliance in Project and Plant Operation
  • Role of Document Control in Ensuring Compliance

QAQC Documentation in Project Phases

  • Documentation Requirements in Project Initiation
  • QAQC Documentation during Design and Engineering
  • Documentation for Construction and Commissioning Phases

Practical Exercise

  • Participants will engage in a hands-on exercise related to document control processes and practices.

Session 3-4

Skill Focus:

Advanced Document Control Techniques

  • Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)
  • Automation in Document Control
  • Integration of Document Control with Project Management

Risk Management in QAQC

  • Identifying Risks in Document Control
  • Mitigation Strategies
  • Case Studies on Document Control Failures and Their Impacts

Audits and Inspections

  • Preparation for Audits and Inspections
  • Internal vs. External Audits
  • Corrective Actions and Continuous Improvement

Change Control

  • Importance of Change Control in QAQC
  • Procedures for Document Changes
  • Impact Assessment and Approval Processes
  • Project Document Control Hands-On Case Study

QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop

QAQC Document Control for Project &Plant Operation Workshop


Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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