Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop

DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Kelas Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts&Facilities Training yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan proyek Offshore Oil&Gas Development diantaranya :

  • Memahami Perencanaan Pengembangan Lapangan serta Tantangan Fasilitas Pada Proyek Oil Gas
  • Multi Disiplin Ilmu Pada Pembangunan Plant Oil Gas
  • Ruang Lingkup, Fungsi, Biaya dan Kriteria Seleksi untuk Oil Gas Plant Structure,Piping Mechanical Pipeline Instrument Electrical Equipments dll
  • Strategi Efektif untuk Pembangunan Plant Oil Gas
  • Pembangunan&Pengembangan Aset Oil Gas Proyek Skala Kecil, Menengah Sampai Mega Project/Skala Besar&Kompleksitasnya
  • Mengetahui Kondisi Lapangan, Manajemen Strategis, dan Pengambilan Keputusan pada Pembangunan/Pengembangan Oil Gas

Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop

Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop

DEVELOP menerapkan Silabus Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts&Facilities Training dengan tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Sesi 1-2

Skill Focus:

  • Fasilitas operasi eksploitasi
  • Well platform production, platform compressor, platform flare stack, dewatering facilities,processing plant,akomodasi floating storage,crude oil gas cair
    • Well platform
    • Monopod
    • Tripods
    • 4 legs platform (platform kaki empat atau lebih)
  • Offshore production platform
    • Production separator metering system, atmospheric separator gas detector, uv/ir detector
    • Fusible plugfire pump & sprinkler system,crane communication system,security system, utility fresh water, electricity & air system helipad & boat landing system
  • Offshore production crews
    • Production supervisor
    • Production operator
    • Compresssor operator
    • Electrician dan mechanic
    • Crew catering
    • Crane operator,head roustabout dan crew
    • Instrument technician
    • Production clerk
    • Production superintendent
  • Flow station
    • Living quarters
    • Well
    • Process
  • Compressor platform
    • Gas distribution header compressor package,oil cooler,gas cooler,surge control system control room,fuel system,gas scrubber / separator

Sesi 3-4

Skill Focus:

  • Gas processing plant
  • Offshore storage barge
  • Export tanker
  • Lpg storage barge
  • Metoda produksi
    • Gas lift
    • Esp (electric submersible pump)
  • Water injection
  • Water flood
  • Steamfloodingwell
  • Operasi injeksi uap (steam injection method)
  • Waste heat recovery steam generator
  • Miscible injection
  • Miscible slug
  • Cost estimate – offshore platform
  • Well platform&process platform
    • Engineering & geosurvey
    • Procurement & fabrication
    • Installation
    • Certificate
  • Engineering- EPCI

Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop

Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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