Industrial Engineering

  1. Monitoring of Critical Plant Machinery (Static&Rotating) Workshop


    Monitoring of Critical Plant Machinery (Static&Rotating) Workshop

  2. Balance of Plant/BOP System in Power Plant&Power Industry Workshop


    Balance of Plant/BOP System in Power Plant&Power Industry Workshop

  3. Industrial Instrumentation and Control Training


    Industrial Instrumentation and Control Training

  4. Desain&Instalasi Pompa (Factory Acceptance Test/FAT&Site Acceptance Test/SAT) Workshop


    Desain&Instalasi Pompa (Factory Acceptance Test/FAT&Site Acceptance Test/SAT) Workshop

  5. Medium-High Voltage 15Kv-33Kv Switchgear&Circuit Breakers Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Medium-High voltage 15Kv-33Kv Switchgear&Circuit Breakers yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang teknik Instalasi aman & Pengujian untuk Switchgear serta mengoptimalkan pengoperasian fungsi Switchgear. Switchgear (dan

  6. Water Treatment System in Power Plant&Power Industry Training


    Water Treatment System in Power Plant&Power Industry Training

  7. Refinery Plant Corrosion Protection Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Refinery Plant Corrosion Protection Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang Pencegahan Korosi serta optimalisasinya pada Refinery Project serta Refinery Plant Operation. Materi Training

  8. Rotating Equipment Inspection&Test Plan Workshop


    Rotating Equipment Inspection&Test Plan Workshop

  9. Inspeksi Kelistrikan Low,Medium&High (LV-MV-HV) Power System


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Inspeksi Kelistrikan Low,Medium&High (LV-MV-HV) Power System Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang Teknik Pemeriksaan/Inspeksi untuk Operasional serta Perawatan Low,Medium&High (LV-MV-HV) Electrical Power System.

  10. Pump Design Calculation&Optimation Workshop


    Pump Design Calculation&Optimation Workshop

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