Cost Estimator Konstruksi Workshop
DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Cost Estimator Konstruksi Workshop yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan Biaya Project Konstruksi mulai dari estimasi Perencanaan Biaya/Budgetary sampai Pengendalian/Pengawasan Cost Spending Konstruksi.
Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam konteks dunia proyek konstruksi sehingga lebih familier dengan aktivitas proyek sehari-hari.

Cost Estimator Konstruksi Workshop
DEVELOP menerapkan Silabus Cost Estimator Konstruksi Workshop dengan tahapan-tahapan pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :
Sesi 1-2
Skill Focus:
- Construction Cost Estimating Fundamental
- Cost Management
- Project Cost Budget Determination/Cost Planning&Spending Plan
- Project Cost Estimate&Budget Resources
- Cost Estimating Construction:
- Project Budgeting
- Project cost management plan
- Review Project Scope
- Analyze risk register
- Analyze organizational process assets
- the project schedule
- Determine resources
- Perform cost estimates for each activity and work package
- Assess indirect costs
- the cost baseline
- Final Project Cost Estimation
- Work Package Contingency Reserves
- Project Cost Activity Costing
- Control Project Cost:
- Baseline budget
- Mark-ups
- Contingency Reserve budget for managing identified risks
- Management Reserve budget for unforeseen works
- Track projects costs
- actual costs Record
- Analyze procurement strategies (long lead items etc)
- Calculate&update cost metrics
- Update cost estimations
- Communication with team members
- Control productivity of resources
- Travel costs for projects
- Administrative costs
- cost performance analyzes to understand performance status
- Update baseline budget
- Cost Estimating Construction Case Study
Sesi 3-4
Skill Focus :
- Cost Variance
- Schedule Performance Index & Cost Performance Index
- Estimate at Completion&Budget at Completion Forecast
- Tugas-tugas/Tasks dalam project (Pekerjaan utama dan kegiatan rinciannya)
- Control&Manage Resources
- Project Baseline,Project Scheduling & Assign Constraints
- Deadline & Critical Path Analysis
- Project Schedule & Actual Date
- Project Progress Histogram Diagram & S-Curve Graph Making
- Project Cost/Budget Management
- Project Cost Earn Value Calculation&Analysis (budget & time spending terkait progress pekerjaan)
- Earned Value Schedule Variance
- Project Control Final Reporting
- Cost Estimating Construction Case Study

Cost Estimator Konstruksi Workshop
Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.
Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.
Tags: centre drill Cost Estimator Konstruksi, Construction actual costs Record, Construction Administrative costs, Construction Analyze organizational process assets, Construction Analyze procurement strategies long lead items etc, Construction Analyze risk register, Construction Assess indirect costs, Construction Baseline budget, Construction Calculate-update cost metrics, Construction Communication with team members, Construction Contingency Reserve budget for managing identified risks, Construction Control productivity of resources, Construction Control Project Cost:, Construction Control-Manage Resources, Construction Cost Estimating Construction Case Study, Construction Cost Estimating Construction:, Construction Cost Management, Construction cost performance analyzes to understand performance status, Construction Cost Variance, Construction Deadline-Critical Path Analysis, Construction Determine resources, Construction Earned Value Schedule Variance, Construction Estimate at Completion-Budget at Completion Forecast, Construction Final Project Cost Estimation, Construction Management Reserve budget for unforeseen works, Construction Mark-ups, Construction Perform cost estimates for each activity and work package, Construction Project Baseline-Project Scheduling-Assign Constraints, Construction Project Budgeting, Construction Project Control Final Reporting, Construction Project Cost Activity Costing, Construction Project Cost Budget Determination-Cost Planning-Spending Plan, Construction Project Cost Earn Value Calculation-Analysis budget-time spending terkait progress pekerjaan, Construction Project Cost Estimate-Budget Resources, Construction Project cost management plan, Construction Project Cost-Budget Management, Construction Project Progress Histogram Diagram-S-Curve Graph Making, Construction Project Schedule-Actual Date, Construction Review Project Scope, Construction Schedule Performance Index-Cost Performance Index, Construction the cost baseline, Construction the project schedule, Construction Track projects costs, Construction Travel costs for projects, Construction Tugas-tugas-Tasks dalam project Pekerjaan utama dan kegiatan rinciannya, Construction Update baseline budget, Construction Update cost estimations, Construction Work Package Contingency Reserves, develop engineering, develop training, jadwal training jakarta Cost Estimator Konstruksi, jakarta engineering center, kursus privat Cost Estimator Konstruksi, Kursus Seminar Webinar Bimtek Pelatihan Cost Estimator Konstruksi, PPI Program Profesi Insinyur, Pusat Pelatihan Cost Estimator Konstruksi, Regional Model Competency Standard RMCS Cost Estimator Konstruksi, Training Analis Proses Construction, Training Commissioning Engineer Construction, Training Commissioning Manager Construction, Training Construction Manager Construction, Training Construction-Fabrication Manager Construction, Training Contract Supervisor Construction, Training Contract-Subcontract Manager Construction, Training Cost Control Construction, Training Cost Estimator Konstruksi, Training Document Control Construction, Training Engineering Manager Construction, Training Interface Manager Construction, Training Kontraktor Construction, Training Operations Assurance Manager Construction, Training Planner Scheduler Construction, Training Procurement Construction, Training Procurement Manager Construction, Training Project Administration Construction, Training Project Control Manager Construction, Training Project Control- Services Manager Construction, Training Project Coordinator Construction, Training Project Engineer Construction, Training Project Manager Construction, Training Project Owner-Client Construction, Training Subcontract Supervisor Construction