1. Shutdown Turn Around Close Out Action Workshop


    Shutdown Turn Around Close Out Action Workshop

  2. Substation&Power House Building Construction Workshop


    Substation&Power House Building Construction Workshop

  3. Advance Lifting Rigging Engineering Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Training Advance Lifting&Rigging Engineering Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang : Lifting&Rigging Advanced Study Lifting Rigging Risk Analysis Ground Bearing Pressure&Reaction Lifting Plan&Cutting Plan

  4. Steam Turbines Inspection Training


    Steam Turbines Inspection Training

  5. Chemical Plant EPC Training


    Chemical Plant EPC Training

  6. Generator&Power Transformer Operation Training


    Generator&Power Transformer Operation Training

  7. Valves Risk-based inspection (RBI) Training


    Valves Risk-based inspection (RBI) Training

  8. Grounding Systems Design Workshop


    Grounding Systems Design Workshop

  9. Maintenance of Duplex Pump Driven by Diesel Engine for Water Injection Training


    Maintenance of Duplex Pump Driven by Diesel Engine for Water Injection Training

  10. Fitness for Assessment based on ASME B31G, R Strength, API 579/ASME- FFS1 standards Workshop


    Fitness for Assessment based on ASME B31G, R Strength, API 579/ASME- FFS1 standards Workshop

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