1. Pressure Gauge Sizing,Construction&Installation Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Training Pressure Gauge Sizing,Construction&Installation Workshop yang akan melatih Anda bagaimana melaksanakan Pressure Gauge Sizing, Konstruksi Pressure Gauge serta Instalasi Pressure Gauge untuk berbagai kebutuhan pekerjaan proyek. Pembahasan materi

  2. Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation & Dispute Management Training


    Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation & Dispute Management Training

  3. Introduction To Contract Management Workshop


    Introduction To Contract Management Workshop

  4. Contractual Risk – Pre-Award Stage Workshop


    Contractual Risk – Pre-Award Stage Workshop

  5. Kepala Brigade Pengendalian Karhutla (Pelaksana Teknis Manggala Agni untuk Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan,Lahan&Perubahan Iklim) Workshop


    Kepala Brigade Pengendalian Karhutla (Pelaksana Teknis Manggala Agni untuk Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan,Lahan&Perubahan Iklim) Workshop

  6. Preparing Commercial Contracts, Identifying Contractual Risks&Insurance Workshop


    Preparing Commercial Contracts, Identifying Contractual Risks&Insurance Workshop

  7. Managers&Employees on Ethics&Employee’s Code of Conduct&Compliance Workshop


    Managers&Employees on Ethics&Employee’s Code of Conduct&Compliance Workshop

  8. Contract Labour Law&Practices Workshop


    Contract Labour Law&Practices Workshop

  9. Effective&Efficient Team Work Best Implementation


    Effective&Efficient Team Work Best Implementation

  10. Performing Authority


    Performing Authority

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