How to Read Process Drawings Workshop

Training Descriptions

Basics of P&ID and FPD Drawing course will learn techniques to master the reading and interpretation of Industrial Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and Process Flow Diagram.
The understanding of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and Process Flow Diagram.
Are a mandatory skill for Job seekers in several career choices? These include drafting, power plant operation and maintenance, refinery operation and maintenance and workers involved in the construction of industrial facilities.
P&ID’s and FPD’s are used worldwide in construction and operation of large and small industrial projects. The ability to read and understand them will give those who complete this course an edge over their competitors when seeking employment at one of these facilities.
Understanding the different kinds of ISA symbols is important in understanding the overall flow process, as well as the different kinds of drawings or diagrams that you may come across. This course will walk you through the P&ID legend and provide the instrumentation training necessary for success.

Training Syllabus

• How to Read P&ID Drawings
o What is P&ID?, Use of P&ID/PEFS during Pre- EPC Phase
o Use of P&ID/PEFS during EPC phase
o What information does P&ID provide?
o What is not included in a P&ID?
• How to Read P&ID Symbols
o What P&ID or PFD symbol is?,
o Pumps and Turbine P&ID Symbols
o P&ID Symbols for Compressor
o Heat Exchanger P&ID symbol
o Symbols for Static Equipment and Distillation column
o Line Symbols for PFD and P&ID
o P&ID Symbols for Piping Valves
o Symbols for instruments
• How to Read PFD, Block flow diagrams (BFD),
• Utilities flow diagrams (UFD)
• Electrical diagrams, Schematics (electrical)
• Isometrics (piping), Plot plan
• Case Study

Training Objectives

In this course Participants will learn :
• The basics of blueprint reading and interpreting symbols used to represent piping, valves, signals, instruments, tags and more.
• have the skills necessary to read and understand Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID’s).
• Identify the different types of drawings that contain instrumentation.
• Describe lettering and numbering standards based on ISA instrumentation symbols.
• Determine the instrument type from the symbol information.
• Describe symbols for line standards.
• Use a legend to correctly identify instrumentation on a drawing.


• This course is intended for: Operations and Maintenance personnel in industry.
• People interested in drafting Construction workers such as pipe fitters and plumbers
• People who work with Lockout/Tag out safety systems

How to Read Process Drawings
How to Read Process Drawings


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