1. Plant Spare Parts Management Training


    Plant Spare Parts Management Training

  2. Plant Operational Preparedness Plan Workshop


    Plant Operational Preparedness Plan Workshop

  3. Construction Project Management&Risk Analysis Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Training Construction Project Management&Risk Analysis Workshop yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan pengelolaan proyek di antaranya : Perencanaan&Pengendalian progress Detail Engineering Design/DED Perencanaan&Pengendalian Procurement Perencanaan&Pengendalian Construction&Installation Phase

  4. Turnaround Metric&Effective Maintenance Workshop


    Turnaround Metric&Effective Maintenance Workshop

  5. Cost Estimating & Cost Management Fundamentals Training


    Cost Estimating & Cost Management Fundamentals Training

  6. Document Control for Project Operation Workshop


    Document Control for Project Operation WorkshopDEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Document Control for Project Operation Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang pengelolaan dokumen Proyek&Plant Operation, sperti diantaranya: Penggunaan

  7. Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts and Facilities Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Kelas Offshore Oil and Gas Development Projects, Concepts&Facilities Training yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan proyek Offshore Oil&Gas Development diantaranya : Memahami Perencanaan Pengembangan Lapangan serta Tantangan

  8. CFR – Financial Risk Management Certified Training&Certification


    CFR – Financial Risk Management Certified Training&Certification

  9. Effective Cost Estimation for Industrial Projects Training


    Effective Cost Estimation for Industrial Projects Training

  10. Petrochemical Project&Operation Document Control Workshop


    Petrochemical Project&Operation Document Control Workshop

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