Structure Maintenance&Operation

  1. Structure Engineering for Non Structure Engineer Training


    Structure Engineering for Non Structure Engineer Training

  2. Crane Barge Planning untuk Dredging&Lifting Training


    Crane Barge Planning untuk Dredging&Lifting Training

  3. Construction Effective Planning Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Construction Effective Planning Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang teknik perencanaan efektif beserta Pemodelan/Analisa Biaya&Analisa Resiko untuk pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi. Selama training, instruktur

  4. Mobile Power Plant Design&Installation Training


    Mobile Power Plant Design&Installation Training

  5. Sea Port Facilities Mooring Dolphine Installation Workshop


    Sea Port Facilities Mooring Dolphine Installation Workshop

  6. Storage Tank Concrete Steel Design&Construction Training


    Storage Tank Concrete Steel Design&Construction Training

  7. Seismic Evaluation&Concrete Buildings Retrofit Workshop


    Seismic Evaluation&Concrete Buildings Retrofit Workshop

  8. Desain Jetty untuk Proyek Powerplant&Tower Transmisi Training


    Desain Jetty untuk Proyek Powerplant&Tower Transmisi Training

  9. DAM Structure Outlets&Spillway Structure Plan for Hydro PowerPlant Renewable Energy Workshop


    DAM Structure Outlets&Spillway Structure Plan for Hydro PowerPlant Renewable Energy Workshop

  10. Market Driven Strategic with Sustainability : Natural Resources Inventory Assessment,Land Use Mitigation-Planning&Enhancement Hands On Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Hands On Workshop Market Driven Strategic with Sustainability : Natural Resources Inventory Assessment,Land Use Mitigation-Planning&Enhancement yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang: Bagaimana menyusun,mengembangkan&mengimplementasikan Sustainability Engineering

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