Piping Maintenance&Operation

  1. Meminimalkan Serpihan Turning Pipa Seamless Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) Training


    Meminimalkan Serpihan Turning Pipa Seamless Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) Training

  2. Pipeline Fit for Service Monitoring Workshop


    Pipeline Fit for Service Monitoring Workshop

  3. Pipeline Integrity PIMS Database Development Workshop


    Pipeline Integrity PIMS Database Development Workshop

  4. Polyethylene Piping Systems Installation Techniques Workshop


    Polyethylene Piping Systems Installation Techniques Workshop

  5. Valves and Piping Instrument Datasheets Comprehensive Understanding Training


    Valves and Piping Instrument Datasheets Comprehensive Understanding Training

  6. NACE Sp0188 & SSPC-PA 2 Coating Inspection Fundamentals Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas NACE Sp0188 & SSPC-PA 2 Coating Inspection Fundamentals Training yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda diantaranya tentang : Pencegahan Kegagalan Pelapisan/Coating&Urutan Inspeksi Coating sesuai standard NACE

  7. P&ID (Piping Instrument Diagram) Comprehensive Understanding Workshop


    “Pada Perencanaan suatu fasilitas Plant/Industri, para insiyur membuat dan mengembangkan flowsheets (Process flow Diagram/PFD), mempersiapkan dan membuat project specification, project design serta memilih equipment- equipment sesuai dengan proses plant yang

  8. Process Control Systems Fundamentals Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Process Control Systems Fundamentals Training  yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang cara membangun, menavigasi dan mengoptimalkan analisa desain & simulasi Instrumentation System Engineering seperti Process

  9. Basic Offshore Pipeline End to End Design,Construction&Optimation Training


    Basic Offshore Pipeline End to End Design,Construction&Optimation Training

  10. RCM/Reliability Center Maintenance of Oil Country Tubular Goods OCTG Tubing&Casing Training


    RCM/Reliability Center Maintenance of Oil Country Tubular Goods OCTG Tubing&Casing Training

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