Corrosion Engineering

  1. Sertifikasi Ahli Korosi&Pelapisan Training


    Sertifikasi Ahli Korosi&Pelapisan Training

  2. Anodizing Metal Treatment Advanced Workshop


    Anodizing Metal Treatment Advanced Workshop

  3. Boiler Failure Analysis Training


    Boiler Failure Analysis Training

  4. Cathodic Protection Level I Training


    Cathodic Protection Level I Training

  5. Thermal Analysis&Modeling in Marine Propeller Casting Workshop


    Thermal Analysis&Modeling in Marine Propeller Casting Workshop

  6. Gas Compressor Operation&Maintenance Comprehensive&Understanding Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Gas Compressor Operation&Maintenance Comprehensive&Understanding Training yang sangat berguna Memahami aktifitas Operation & Maintenance Gas Compressor Systems beserta optimalisasi operational fungsinya. Training ini cocok untuk diikuti oleh para

  7. Bonding Composite and Surface Treatment Fundamentals Workshop


    Bonding Composite and Surface Treatment Fundamentals Workshop

  8. Low Laser Power Additive Manufacturing Fundamentals Training


    Low Laser Power Additive Manufacturing Fundamentals Training

  9. Saturation and Corrective Shot Peening Implementation Training


    Saturation and Corrective Shot Peening Implementation Training

  10. Valve Metallurgy for Power Plant Efficiency Training


    Valve Metallurgy for Power Plant Efficiency Training

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