Basic Principle of Electric Generator Workshop

Training Descriptions

The aim of this course is to provide engineers/technician, and new entrants to the Power Generation/Oil & Gas sectors, the core skills to enable them to make an immediate impact within these essential industries.
Our course will equip students with the necessary technical knowledge and competence such that on completion they will have a clear understanding of the methods of Power Generation and possess key skills that can be used within this field. During the course the delivery of knowledge and theory will be backed up with sound practical skills ensuring a solid understanding of all the information gained.
This course has been designed to ensure that students gain the maximum knowledge and that this will increase their effectiveness and understanding for their current, or any prospective future, employer. During the course students will become familiar with a wide and diverse range of equipment across the array of trades and disciplines within this sector.

Training Syllabus

• Basic Principle of Electric Generator Operation
• A.C. Generator Components
• Generator Rotational Speed
• Generator Governor Control
• Generator Characteristics
• Generator Characteristics

Training Objectives

• Describe the process of electromagnetic induction
• Identify the major components of an AC generator
• Apply the formula for rotational speed
• Describe generator governor control
• Discuss the characteristics that affect or limit generator performance
• Describe MVAR and MW flow
• Describe the synchronization process of a generator
• Identify types of batteries and their operating principles

This Course is suitable for:

Plant Manages, Plant Operators and Service Technicians

Basic Principle of Electric Generator
Basic Principle of Electric Generator

During training, our instructors will use a combination of direct theory and practice with prepared case studies taken from past real projects.Our Course Material is designed specifically by the experienced engineer in accordance with common project requirements. Therefore, you will get knowledge sharing directly from Electrical Engineers with years of experience.


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