Mechanical Maintenance&Operation

  1. PAS 55 Physical Asset Management Workshop


    PAS 55 Physical Asset Management Workshop

  2. Hydroelectric Power Plant Inspections with Using Imaging Sonar Workshop


    Hydroelectric Power Plant Inspections with Using Imaging Sonar Workshop

  3. Overhaul&Maintenance Works Planning Workshop


    Overhaul&Maintenance Works Planning Workshop

  4. Basic Integrity Operation&Product Manager Workshop


    Basic Integrity Operation&Product Manager Workshop

  5. Living Quarter (LQ) Mechanical Design & Installation Training


    Living Quarter (LQ) Mechanical Design & Installation Training

  6. Safety Instrumented System & Control Training


    Safety Instrumented System & Control Training

  7. Asset Wellness for Plant Performance Training


    Asset Wellness for Plant Performance Training

  8. Mechanical Design & Installation of Wellhead Control Panel Training


    Mechanical Design & Installation of Wellhead Control Panel Training

  9. Rotating Equipment Maintenance&Troubleshooting Training


    Rotating Equipment Maintenance&Troubleshooting Training

  10. Predictive Maintenance&Reliability for Power Generation Plant Training


    Predictive Maintenance&Reliability for Power Generation Plant Training

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