1. Diesel Engine Problems&Troubleshooting Training


    Diesel Engine Problems&Troubleshooting Training

  2. Management Strategic Planning for EPC Projects Training


    Management Strategic Planning for EPC Projects Training

  3. Scissor Lifts Safe Dismantling Training


    Scissor Lifts Safe Dismantling Training

  4. Natural Gas Piping Design&Installation Training


    Pada Perencanaan suatu fasilitas Sistem Perpipaan Gas Alam, para insiyur membuat dan mengembangkan flowsheets (Process flow Diagram/PFD), mempersiapkan dan membuat project specification, project design serta memilih equipment- equipment sesuai dengan

  5. CO2 and H2S Impact on Strength of Tubing Training


    CO2 (karbon dioksida) dan H2S (hidrogen sulfida) adalah dua gas yang dapat mempengaruhi kekuatan tubing, terutama pada lingkungan industri minyak dan gas. Pengaruh keduanya dapat bervariasi tergantung pada jenis material

  6. Electric Motors Inspection Training


    Electric Motors Inspection Training

  7. Voltage and current meters Electrical Instruments Types and Applications Training


    Voltage and current meters Electrical Instruments Types and Applications Training

  8. Fixed Offshore Structures Structural Integrity Training


    Fixed Offshore Structures Structural Integrity Training

  9. Manajemen Mutu Sistem Alat Ukur Serah Terima Migas Training


    Manajemen Mutu Sistem Alat Ukur Serah Terima Migas Training

  10. Undeteriorated Buried Pipe Assessment Training


    Undeteriorated Buried Pipe Assessment Training

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