Piping Engineer Certification Workshop

Pada Perencanaan suatu fasilitas Plant/Industri, para insiyur membuat dan mengembangkan flowsheets (Process flow Diagram/PFD), mempersiapkan dan membuat project specification, project design serta memilih equipment- equipment sesuai dengan proses plant yang akan dibangun.

Gambar design layout suatu process plant baik untuk refinery, oil gas plant, petrochemical, ataupun powerplant/pembangkit listrik, dibutuhkan beribu-ribu gambar piping, seperti gambar piping layout, section & detail, gambar-gambar isometric serta pipe support.“

DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Piping Engineer Certification Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk melatih Anda dalam mendapatkan skill teknis diantaranya tentang cara:

  • Mengembangkan Sistem Pipa&komponen terkait
  • Membuat Piping Study (Equipment Layout, Plant Layout, Piping Layout, Pipe Section)
  • Mengurutkan Process Stream Flow dan fungsi Control Loop pada Plant
  • Membuat Piping Specification
  • Mengatur Instrumentasi Piping System
  • Mengembangkan gambar PFD dan P&ID
  • Mengatur Vessel Nozzle Orientation&Membuat Line List
  • dll
Piping Engineer Certification Workshop

Piping Engineer Certification Workshop

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Kelas Piping Engineer Certification Workshop dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Sesi 1-2

Skill Focus:

  • Piping System Overview
  • Piping Group Work scope in Project&Plant Operation
  • Piping Group Essential Documents
  • Process Flow Diagram (Pfd)&Piping Instrument Diagram (Pid)
  • Piping Line List, Plot Plan&Site Plans
  • Piping Coordinate Set Out Plans
  • Piping Key Plans, Equipment Layout&Piping General Arrangement (Ga)
  • Pipe Support Standards&Pipe Support Location Plan
  • Isometric, Material Take Off etc
  • Piping Material
  • Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel&Stainless Steel.
  • Copper Alloy, High Nickel Alloy&Titanum
  • Frp ( Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic )
  • Pvc ( Polyvinyl Chloride )
  • Hdpe ( High Density Poly Ethylene )
  • Abs (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene).
  • Lined Pipe, Cast Iron (Besi Tuang)&Malleable Iron
  • Piping Applicable Standards&Codes Industri
  • Pipe Fittings
  • 90 Degree Elbow (Long Radius Elbow, Short Radius Elbow&Weld Mitered Elbow)
  • 45 Degree Elbow (Weld Tee&Stub In)
  • Reducer&Weld Cap
  • Screwed & Socket Weld Fittings
  • Flange
  • Flange Rating
  • Flange Facings (Flat Face, Raised Face)
  • Ring Type Joint
  • Flange Type (Weld Neck Flange, Threaded Flange, Socked Weld Flange, Slip On Flange, Lap Join Flange, Reducing Flange, Blind Flange, Orifice Flange etc)
  • Bolts&Gasket
  • Valve
  • Gate Valve, Globe Valve Angle Valve
  • Check Valve, Ball Valve&Plug Valve
  • Butterfly Valve
  • Relief Valve&Control Valve

Sesi 3-4

Skill Focus:

  • Mechanical Equipment related to Piping
  • Horizontal Vessel/Accumulator&Vertical Vessel (Fractionation Columns)
  • Pump (Centrifugal Pump, Reciprocating Pump&Rotary Pump)
  • Nozzle Arrangements
  • Pump Drivers&Compressor
  • Shell Tube Exchanger&Double Pipe Exchanger
  • Reboiler,Air Fan&Cooling Tower
  • Heaters/Boilers
  • Storage Tanks
  • Vendor Data Drawings&Gambar Equipment
  • Flow Diagram & Instrumentation
  • Process Flow Diagram, Mechanical Flow Diagram&Utility Flow Diagram
  • Piping Instrumentation (Gauges,Controllers,Alarms,Indicators&Recorder)
  • Piping Symbols, Piping Code&Specification Classes
  • P&ID Transposition
  • Equipment Lay Out
  • Plant Coordinate System
  • Site Plans, Unit Plot Plan&Baterry Limits
  • Equipment Location Drawing (Equipment Lay Out)
  • Foundation Location Drawing
  • Piping Drawing Index
  • Piping Arrangement Drawing (Ga) / Piping Layout, Section & Elevation Drawing
  • Mechanical Flow Diagram (Piping&Instrumentation Diagram)
  • Plot Plan Foundation&Equipment Layout
  • Piping Index Drawing&Vendor Drawing (Equipment Drawing)
  • Foundation Drawing, Pipe Line List& Pipe Data/Piping Material Class
  • Layout Procedure
  • Piping Section&Elevation

Sesi 5-6

Skill Focus:

  • Pipe Rack
  • Pipe Rack Spacing&Pipe Flexibility
  • Pipe Loop, Pipe Anchor&Pipe Shoe
  • Pipe Guide&Field Support
  • Dummy Support, Hanger Rods, Spring Hanger & Pick Up Support
  • Piping Isometric
  • Piping Drafting Format
  • Ketebalan Untuk Garis pada Gambar Isometric
  • Dimensioning/Ukuran Piping (Face Of Flange, Branch Connection, Equipment Centerline, Pipe Instrument Connection, Vents, Drains&Welded Support)
  • Pipe Branches
  • Piping Material Specification Changes&Spool Size
  • Piping Process Vent&Drain
  • Piping Hydrotest Vent&Drain
  • Piping Orifice Tappings&Weld Spacing
  • Piping Bills Of Material (BOM)
  • Vessel Trim Isometrics
  • Plant Utilities
  • Cooling Water, Boiler Water&Emergency Water
  • Steam&Condensate
  • Fuel Oil&Fuel Gas
  • Blow-Down Pipe to Knock Out Drum (KO Drum)
  • Utility Air, Instrument Air&Control Valve Manifolds
  • Utility Station&Meter Runs
  • Sewer&Underground Piping Systems
  • Case Study
Piping Engineer Certification Workshop

Piping Engineer Certification Workshop

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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