Hazardous Area Classification & Protection Methods Workshop

Training Descriptions

This course has been prepared to meet the specific requirements of engineers, control room operators and instrument specialists who together, need to gain confidence and competence in control.

In our experience, the teaching of control theory does not adequately explain the concept of process dynamics and hence many people have been introduced to control theory but don’t understand how to match the appropriate techniques with the actual process dynamics. This program aims to provide understanding of process control as opposed to familiarization with control, through practical exercise.

Training Syllabus

• Introduction to Process Control
o What Does a Feedback system do?
o Why is Control Necessary?
o Why is Control Possible?
o Where is Control Done?
o How is Control Design Documented?
• Basic Process Control
o Basic Control Principles
o Open vs Closed Loop
• Feedback Control
o Feedback vs. Feedforward
o Typical ON/OFF Control System
o Typical ON/OFF Response
• Proportional Control
o Level Control of Open Tank
o Simple Proportional System
o Open Tank Control
o Controller Action
o Proportional Band and Gain
o Narrow, Wide, High & Low Reset or Integral

Training Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, a Statement of Completion will be issued.
• The candidate will be able to explain the role of each element of a typical control system’ describe the objectives of plant control and how to get the desired response by the use of a range of control options.
• Delegates will understand each PID controller term and the pros and cons of derivative action. Furthermore they will be able to tune pressure, level, flow and temperature loops.
• Having thoroughly understood the basics of control, each participant will be introduced to our concept of the ‘control toolkit’ such that they understand and can apply the appropriate control technique to different control requirements.

• This course is mainly targeted to electrical and instrumentation technicians working in the field as an introduction or refresher.
• The course can also be applicable to employees working with equipment purchasing, procurement, storage, and job planning, as well as immediate supervisors to the working technicians.

Hazardous Area Classification & Protection Methods
Hazardous Area Classification & Protection Methods


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