Pipeline Maintenance&Operation

  1. Pipeline Integrity Database&Dashboard Development Workshop


    Pipeline Integrity Database&Dashboard Development Workshop

  2. Integrity of Corroded Pipeline Workshop


    Integrity of Corroded Pipeline Workshop

  3. Onshore Pipeline Design&Installation Workshop


    Onshore Pipeline Design&Installation Workshop

  4. OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods Pipe Maintenance&Operation Training


    OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods Pipe Maintenance&Operation Training

  5. Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Training


    Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Training

  6. ASME B318 Code Deflected Spool Pipe Stress Analysis Training


    ASME B318 Code Deflected Spool Pipe Stress Analysis Training

  7. Ferrous pipes according to ASTM and API Training


    Ferrous pipes according to ASTM and API Training

  8. Reliabilities of internally corroded pipelines with Monte Carlo Risk Analysis Training


    Reliabilities of internally corroded pipelines with Monte Carlo Risk Analysis Training

  9. Perencanaan Pipa Geothermal (Material Take Off/MTO/Bill of Quantity/BOQ) Training


    Perencanaan Pipa Geothermal (Material Take Off/MTO/Bill of Quantity/BOQ) Training

  10. OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods Pipe Vibration Engineering O&M Training


    OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods Pipe Vibration Engineering O&M Training

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