Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Hazardous Locations Electrical Engineering Comprehensive Training


    Hazardous Locations Electrical Engineering Comprehensive Training

  2. Power Plant EPC Document Control Training


    Power Plant EPC Document Control Training

  3. Compressor Installation,Operation&Maintenance Training


    Compressor Installation,Operation&Maintenance Training

  4. Product Development untuk Industri Otomotif Training


    Product Development untuk Industri Otomotif Training

  5. Mining Utilities Power Design&Installation Workshop


    Mining Utilities Power Design&Installation Workshop

  6. Workshop Modul Kompetensi Standar Keterampilan Kerja Ahli Utama Keselamatan dan Kesehtan Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas)


    Workshop Modul Kompetensi Standar Keterampilan Kerja Ahli Utama Keselamatan dan Kesehtan Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas)

  7. Talent Management in the Oil and Gas Industry Workshop


    Talent Management in the Oil and Gas Industry Workshop

  8. Metering Skid Design,Selection&Installation Workshop


    Metering Skid Design,Selection&Installation Workshop

  9. Destruction Test (DT) Inspection System Advanced Training


    Destruction Test (DT) Inspection System Advanced Training

  10. Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRU) Design&Construction Training


    Floating Storage Regasification Units (FSRU) Design&Construction Training

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