Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Business Management Implementation Workshop


    Business Management Implementation Workshop

  2. Business Negotiation Principles Training


    Business Negotiation Principles Training

  3. Metallurgy with Risk&Integrity for Mechanical Equipments Workshop


    Metallurgy with Risk&Integrity for Mechanical Equipments Workshop

  4. Gear pumps Failure Analysis Training


    Gear pumps Failure Analysis Training

  5. Impact of Jacket Structure Robustness on Offshore Inspection Plans Training


    Impact of Jacket Structure Robustness on Offshore Inspection Plans Training

  6. Dynamic Leadership in Oil and Gas Workshop


    Dynamic Leadership in Oil and Gas Workshop

  7. Control System Fundamentals Workshop


    Control System Fundamentals Workshop

  8. Workplace safety technology features and innovations Workshop


    Workplace safety technology features and innovations Workshop

  9. Pengelola Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pertambangan Workshop


    Pengelola Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Pertambangan Workshop

  10. Intrinsic safety with IEC 61241-11 Training


    Intrinsic safety with IEC 61241-11 Training

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