Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Training Manajemen Konflik/Conflict Management Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Training Manajemen Konflik/Conflict Management Workshop yang akan melatih Anda untuk berbagai kebutuhan : Memahami konsep dasar konflik Mengidentifikasi penyebab konflik Menguasai keterampilan komunikasi efektif dalam mengelola konflik Mengembangkan

  2. Infrared Thermography for Electrical&Instrument Engineers Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Infrared Thermography for Electrical&Instrument Engineers Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang: Termografi Inframerah yang diterapkan pada sistem kelistrikan Termografi Inframerah untuk pemeliharaan preventif

  3. Prefabrication and Modular Construction Methods Training


    Prefabrication and Modular Construction Methods Training

  4. Mining Facilities Electrical Solutions Training


    Mining Facilities Electrical Solutions Training

  5. Pressure gauges Instruments Operating Principles Fundamentals Training


    Pressure gauges Instruments Operating Principles Fundamentals Training

  6. Oil&Gas Compression Stations Structure Facilities Training


    Oil&Gas Compression Stations Structure Facilities Training

  7. Cooling towers Maintenance&Optimization Training


    Cooling towers Maintenance&Optimization Training

  8. Metallography&Grain Structure Analysis in Marine Propeller Metallurgy Workshop


    Metallography&Grain Structure Analysis in Marine Propeller Metallurgy Workshop

  9. Mixers&Agitators Failure Analysis Training


    Mixers&Agitators Failure Analysis Training

  10. Gas Turbines Welding Inspection Training


    Gas Turbines Welding Inspection Training

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