Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Power Distribution: PDUs, RPPs, Monitoring, and Controls Workshop


    Power Distribution: PDUs, RPPs, Monitoring, and Controls Workshop

  2. Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles Standard Design & Installation Workshop


    Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles Standard Design & Installation Workshop

  3. Intermediate Welding Practical Training


    Intermediate Welding Practical Training

  4. Offshore Pipeline Free Span Risk&Integrity Analysis Training


    Offshore Pipeline Free Span Risk&Integrity Analysis Training

  5. Surface Treatment Implementation Training


    Surface Treatment Implementation Training

  6. Asset Management Round Table Class Training


    Asset Management Round Table Class Training

  7. Generator Control and Protection Workshop


    Generator Control and Protection Workshop

  8. Supervision of Generator Set Construction Workshop


    Supervision of Generator Set Construction Workshop

  9. Shutdown Turnaround Recommended Practice Workshop


    Shutdown/Turnround adalah kegiatan Maintenance perawatan menyeluruh pada unit train produksi/pabrik.Unit produksi yang mengalami shutdown akan berhenti produksi secara total &hampir seluruh alat produksi akan dimatikan. Hal ini bertujuan agar seluruh

  10. Stone Crusher Management Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Training Stone Crusher Management Workshop yang akan sangat bermanfaat untuk mendapatkan Pengetahuan tentang :   Stone Crusher Working Principle&Types Stone Crusher Maintenance&Preventive Maintenance (Troubles,Causes&Solutions) Tools&Equipments Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan

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