Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Preventive Maintenance in Geothermal Fields Workshop


    Preventive Maintenance in Geothermal Fields Workshop

  2. Combined Cycle Power Plant Commissioning Procedures Training


    Combined Cycle Power Plant Commissioning Procedures Training

  3. Cost Control and Scheduling in Electrical Engineering Projects Training


    Cost Control and Scheduling in Electrical Engineering Projects Training

  4. Formation Evaluation in Reservoirs Training


    Formation Evaluation in Reservoirs Training

  5. Safety Construction Training


    Safety Construction Training

  6. Pipeline Operations Noise Hazard&Safety Management Training


    Pipeline Operations Noise Hazard&Safety Management Training

  7. Cathodic Protection Level II Workshop


    Cathodic Protection Level II Workshop

  8. Automatic Voltage Regulation for Generators Workshop


    Automatic Voltage Regulation for Generators Workshop

  9. Sistem Proteksi untuk Sistem LAA Training


    Sistem Proteksi untuk Sistem LAA Training

  10. POD (Plan of Development) for Oil&Gas Exploration Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Workshop POD (Plan of Development) for Oil&Gas Exploration Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang : POD (Plan of Development) for Oil&Gas : Project Goal

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