Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Gas Compression in Pipelines Noise Hazard&Safety Management Training


    Gas Compression in Pipelines Noise Hazard&Safety Management Training

  2. Instrument Protection System of Railway Infrastructure Workshop


    Instrument Protection System of Railway Infrastructure Workshop

  3. Awareness Etika bermedsos Karakter Tegak Lurus Workshop


    Awareness Etika bermedsos Karakter Tegak Lurus Workshop

  4. Generators In-Service Inspection&Maintenance Training


    Generators In-Service Inspection&Maintenance Training

  5. Compressed Air Mechanical Design & Installation Training


    Compressed Air Mechanical Design & Installation Training

  6. Lightning Protection and Grounding Training


    Lightning Protection and Grounding Training

  7. Current Transformer,Voltage Transformer&Power Transformer Testing&Commissioning Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Current Transformer,Voltage Transformer&Power Transformer Testing&Commissioning Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang cara perancangan&desain praktis serta pemahaman operasi trafo untuk Pembangkit Listrik untuk PLTU,PLTGU,PLTA

  8. K3 Disaster Management Plan Training&Sertifikasi Kemnaker


    K3 Disaster Management Plan Training&Sertifikasi Kemnaker

  9. Atmospheric, Underground&Immersion Corrosivity Levels&Protection Training


    Atmospheric, Underground&Immersion Corrosivity Levels&Protection Training

  10. Advanced ESD System Instrumentation Training


    Advanced ESD System Instrumentation Training

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