Welcome to DEVELOP

  1. Project Cost-Benefit Analysis&Risk Management Training


    Project Cost-Benefit Analysis&Risk Management Training

  2. Turbo Expander&Liquid Expander Operation, Performance&Maintenance Training


    Turbo Expander&Liquid Expander Operation, Performance&Maintenance Training

  3. Defensive Driving Fundamental Practical Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Defensive Driving Fundamental Practical Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan dan mencegah situasi berbahaya selama berkendara. Materi Training di DEVELOP Training Center dirancang

  4. Project Leadership and Management Training


    Project Leadership and Management Training

  5. Welding & Hot Work Operations Workshop


    Welding & Hot Work Operations Workshop

  6. Ball Mill Process Parameters and Operation Techniques Training


    Ball Mill Process Parameters and Operation Techniques Training

  7. Additive Manufacturing for Marine Propeller Components Workshop


    Additive Manufacturing for Marine Propeller Components Workshop

  8. OCTG Inspector (Tubing&Casing) Fundamentals Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Oil Country Tubular Goods/OCTG Inspector (Tubing&Casing) Fundamentals Training yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang : OCTG Piping Inspection Methods Relevant Standards&Codes Inspection Tools NDT Methods

  9. Low-Medium Voltage Electrical Power Panel Design Fundamental Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Low-Medium Voltage Electrical Power Panel Design Fundamental Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang cara perancangan serta pembuatan Design, Analisis dan Engineering Report untuk

  10. Alarm Management Instrumentation Training


    Alarm Management Instrumentation Training

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