Mechanical and Process Isolations Major Hazard Workshop

Training Descriptions

• This training course will provide authorized workers with step-by-step procedures for isolating equipment using such techniques as lockout tag out, lockbox, blinding, misalignment, double block and bleed, and single valve isolation.
• The training course emphasizes each employee’s responsibilities during those procedures using practice exercises and simulations. Key Topic, s Covered: Energy Isolation Standard, the types of energy sources, potential hazards, and step-by-step procedures for isolating equipment
• To provide the necessary competencies, skills and knowledge to enable course delegates to use the proper procedures for isolating the energy source(s). The training course covers recognition of hazardous energy sources, procedures and methods of isolation and specific standards and practices for electrical and mechanical energy isolation.

Training Syllabus

• Overview
• Risk Assessment
• Isolation Standards
• Isolation Methods
• Positive Isolation, Long Term Isolations, Process De-isolation
• Isolation Selection Tool, Isolation Devices
• Special Precautions
• Case Study

Training Objectives

By the end of this training course, Participants will learn to:

• Demonstrate familiarity with the principals of Energy Isolation
• Demonstrate a basic understanding energy sources
• Demonstrate a basic awareness of procedures standards and practices
• Understand the need for implementing Safe Systems of Work
• Understand common terminology related to isolations and control
• Understand common energy hazards
• Understand the differences between Best Practice and Minimum requirement for Energy Isolation
• Understand the purpose, principles and practices of isolation procedures and safety rules – for their own role, and for others involved in the operation of isolations systems and the legal issues associated with same.
• Identify Primary Isolation practices versus Positive Isolation practices; including where and when each is used. Also understand industry terms associated with these objectives.
• Identify the different pieces of equipment used in positive isolation including where and when they should be utilized.
• Identify the hazards pertaining to loss of containment and personal injury, conduct risk assessment and identify Risk Reduction measures using the As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) qualification.
• Describe the Roles and Responsibilities with achieving safe and reliable process isolation.
• Describe the stages involved in achieving safe process isolations and demonstrate their ability to design and implement the various forms of process isolations in a range of scenarios.
• Demonstrate their ability to safely re-instate plant.


• Operatives/Employees working with Processes
• Operatives/Employees working with Machines or equipment in which the sudden release of energy could cause injury or damage
• Persons with specific plant responsibility
• Persons with Technical executive function
• Qualified Supervisors within an Energy Isolation environment
• Plant Operators and Operator Technicians within the Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
• Plant Operators and Operator Technicians within the Petrochemical and Manufacturing Industry
• Any other plant personnel directly responsible for performing Safe Process Isolations
• Any other plant personnel indirectly responsible for performing Safe Process Isolations. Such persons may include Senior Operational Managers and anyone who monitors, audits and reviews isolations systems.

Mechanical and Process Isolations Major Hazard
Mechanical and Process Isolations Major Hazard


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