Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training

DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training yang berguna untuk memahami sifat-sifat logam untuk Permesinan , guna menghasilkan komponen berkualitas tinggi sesuai standar industri.

Peserta akan belajar secara interaktif dengan exercise studi kasus mengenai :

  • Machining Metallurgy Design pada Manufacturing
  • Material Properties&Selection
  • Heat Treatment,Surface Engineering&Surface hardening techniques (Case hardening, Carburizing, Nitriding)
  • Coatings&surface treatments
  • Metallurgical quality assurance&Metallurgical Destructive testing (Tensile, Impact, Hardness tests)

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus yang telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Operasional secara nyata.

Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training

Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Kelas Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Sesi 1-2

Skill Focus:

  • Introduction to Machining Metallurgy
    • Importance and applications in industry
    • Metallurgical function
    • Metallurgy in Design and Manufacturing
    • Chemical composition & microstructure
    • Process selection
  • Metallurgy in the Manufacturing Industry
  • Material selection criteria
    • Case Study:
    • Paper cutter in paper factory
    • Machine gears
    • Machine & material cracks
  • Material Properties/Elements in metallurgy
    • Chemically bound reaction compounds
    • Mixture of metal compounds & Solid Solutions
    • Metal grains and crystals
    • Engineering physical properties of metals
  • Fe3C Phase Diagram&Thermodynamic Properties
    • Classification of Metals and Alloys
    • Ferrous Metals & Non Ferrous Metals
    • Steel, low alloy steel & low carbon steel
    • Medium Carbon Steel & High Carbon Steel
    • High Alloy Steel & Cast Iron
  • Centrifugal Casting
  • Mechanical Properties of Metals
  • Strength, Hardness & Stiffness
  • Toughness, elasticity & plasticity
  • Fatigue & defects in materials

Sesi 3-4

Skill Focus:

  • Thermal properties
    • Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering
    • Hardening
    • Anealling
    • Full annealing, Bright annealing & Box annealing
    • Isothermal Anealling, Spheraidized Anealling & Subcritical Anealling
  • Stress relief annealing
    • Crystallization process
    • Anealling overflow mediato
  • Chemical Heat Treatment
    • Carburizing
    • Pack carburizing & Paste carburizing
    • Cyaniding, Nitriding & Sulphating
    • High temperature liquid & Low temperature liquid
  • Surface Heat Treatment
    • Flame hardening
    • Induction surface hardening.
    • Solid Solutions
    • Unsaturated solutions, saturated solutions & supersaturated solutions
    • Substitution solid solution & Interstitial solid solution
    • Pure Iron Cooling Diagram
  • Metallurgical Testing and Quality Control
  • Destructive testing methods : Tensile, Impact, Hardness tests
  • Case Studies

Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training

Machining Metallurgy Fundamentals Training

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.


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