LNG Plant Process Fundamentals Training

Training Descriptions

• The LNG industry is arguably the most important and dynamic energy export industry in the world and is increasingly underpinning economies at both the export and import end of the chain.
• This course will enable you to understand why gas is liquefied to enable secure, economic transport of large volumes of gas. It will explain the specialized processes that are needed to liquefy, store, transport and re-gas natural gas to make it an internationally viable source of clean energy.
• It will provide insight into the future of LNG in the face of increasing global pressure to minimize carbon dioxide pollution through carbon taxes and trading systems and to realize how the LNG market is changing from offshore to onshore gas through the success of unconventional gas production.
• By looking at the complex and inter-related aspects of the LNG chain, you will get a holistic understanding of the LNG.

Training Objectives

• Introduction – Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
• Block Diagram of LNG Plant
• Main Process Stage
• Liquefaction Process Technologies
• Example from Other LNG Plant

LNG Plant Process Fundamentals
LNG Plant Process Fundamentals


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