Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop
DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang :
- Hydrographic surveyTopographic survey
- Current recordingWater level (tidal) measurement, analysis and prediction
- Hydrographic survey Data collectionsData processing
- Standard for hydrographic surveyNavigation
- Activities of hydrographic survey
- Sea navigation,Coastal zone management
- Nautical chart,Marine environmentSafe navigation
Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam konteks dunia proyek sehingga lebih familier dengan aktivitas proyek sehari-hari.

DEVELOP menerapkan Syllabus Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :
Sesi 1-2
Skill Focus:
- Hydrographic Principles Hydrographic survey Fundamentals
- Objective of hydrography
- Used of hydrographic data (Sea navigation ,Coastal zone management,Oil and gas exploration)
- Bathymetric map
- Nautical chart,Marine environmentSafe navigation
- Electronic navigational chart (enc)Electronic chart display and information system (ecdis)
- International hydrographic organization body
- International Hydrographic Organization (Iho)
- International Maritime Organization (Imo)
- Federation International Des Geometres (Fig)
- International Of Lighthouse Authorities
- Hydrographic Survey performance standard IHOIMO
- Nautical chartNotice to mariners
- Activities of hydrographic survey
- Marine information
- Seabed geology,Seabed sediment /samplingSeabed topography/information
- Physical oceanography
- Gravity and earth’s magnetic field
- Aspect of hydrography (Coastal,OffshoreOceanic)
- Hydrographic Survey for Offshore oil gas exploration
- Hydrographic plan
- Hydrographic survey Scope of work
- Data collectionsData processing
- Data presentationData updating
- Iho standard for hydrographic survey
- Minimum standard for hydrographic survey
- Minimum standard for navigation
- Categories of hydrographer
- Hydrographic Survey Case Study
Sesi 3-4
Skill Focus:
- Hydrographic surveying practice
- Hydrographic surveyTopographic survey
- Current recordingWater level (tidal) measurement, analysis and prediction
- SamplingsSpecifications
- Duration to complete the work
- Horizontal control pointVertical control point
- Tide gauge installation
- Survey boat,Method of positioningDepth measurement
- Generate sounding line (sol and eol coordinates)
- Generate crosslines (sol and eol coordinates)
- Fundamentals of sounding
- Planning lines of sounding,Scale of surveyLine spacing / interval
- Single-beam echo sounding plan
- Direction of lines,Fixing intervalDgps integrity check
- Datum for sounding
- Hydrographic Survey Permit and documents
- Hydrographic Survey Safety gears
- Hydrographic Survey Location of current meters and water level measurementsLocation of samplings
- Hydrographic Survey Case Study
Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.
Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.
Tags: bimbingan teknis Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, code standard Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Jadwal info Pelatihan Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Onshore Offshore Training Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Pelatihan diklat Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Pelatihan Online Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, sertifikasi Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, teknisi ahli Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Training Kursus Seminar Webinar Bimtek Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop, Workshop Events Pelatihan Tatap Muka Hydrographic Survey Comprehensive Workshop