High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training

DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas High Pressure Acid Leaching / HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan pemahaman komprehensif mengenai proses HPAL, dari persiapan bijih hingga pengelolaan tailings. Peserta akan memperoleh pengetahuan praktis yang dapat diterapkan langsung untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja operasi smelter nikel serta memaksimalkan hasil produksi.

Materi Training di DEVELOP Training Center dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan project&Plant Operation. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi Nara Sumber Experts kami yang sangat berpengalaman.


High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training

High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training

DEVELOP mengimplementasikan Syllabus High Pressure Acid Leaching / HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Sesi 1-2

Skill Focus:

  • General Process Flow of Processing Nickel Ore with HPAL
    • High Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) Process
    • HPAL Factory Flowsheet
    • HPAL Factory Main Equipment
  • HPAL Plant Main Equipment
  • HPAL Factory Support Facilities
    • Typical Consumables Used
    • Some Typical Figures in the HPAL Process
    • HPAL Factory Flow Diagram
  • Limonite Ore Preparation
    • Limonite Beneficiation and Slurry Preparation
    • Saprolite Slurry Preparation
    • De-Agglomeration and Classification Equipment
    • Chromite Removal Equipment
    • Beneficiation and Ore Preparation Plant in Ramu
  • Pre-Heating, HPAL, and Flashing
  • HPAL Unit
    • Autoclave Internal Scheme
    • Leaching Reactions in Autocaf
    • Key Design Criteria for the HPAL Process (Sunrise Project)
    • Recycle Leaching and CCD
    • Thickener for Counter-Current Decantation
  • Two-Stage Fe/Al Precipitation
    • Chemical Reaction of Fe/Al Precipitation
    • Two-Stage MHP Precipitation
    • Chemical Reaction of MHP Precipitation
  • Filter Press
  • Vertical Filter Press
  • Case Study

Sesi 3-4

Skill Focus:

  • Tailings Neutralization
    • HPAL Tailings Waste
    • HPAL Tailings Management
    • DSTP rules in Indonesia
    • In-Pit Tailings Disposal (Backfill)
    • Tailings Placement Scheme via Dry Stacking
    • Determination of Tailings Type and Placement
    • Potential for Utilization of HPAL Tailings
  • Sc Recovery Potential from Limonite Ore
  • Ni Products and HPAL Factory By-Products
  • HPAL Factory Ramp-up Experience
    • MCC HPAL Factories
    • Three HPAL Downstream Process Routes
  • HPAL Factory Metal Products
    • Typical Composition of Various Ni & Co Products
    • HPAL Factory Side Products
    • Ni Award in MHP
    • Comparison of Payability Ni in Various Products
    • Co Award in MHP
    • Premium Sulfate for Ni & Co Products
  • Supply Chain
    • From Nickel Ore to Li-NMC Battery Cathode Precursor
    • Final Product Selection
  • HPAL Factory CAPEX in the World
    • Overview of HPAL Plant CAPEX Components
    • Ni Matte Conversion Process to Ni and Co Sulfate
    • Estimation of CO2 Emissions from Various Processing Technologies
    • Composition of MHP & MSP vs Ni & Co Sulfate
    • MHP Purification Process Scheme to Produce NiSO4
  • Principles of Solvent Extraction
    • Solvent Extraction Process Stages
    • Solvent Extraction Equipment
  • Case Study


High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training

High Pressure Acid Leaching HPAL for Nickel Smelter Training

Selama training, instruktur kami akan menggunakan kombinasi teori serta praktek langsung dengan studi kasus telah dipersiapkan yang menyerupai Proyek nyata.

Materi Training dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi Project Engineers sesuai dengan experience dan solid knowledge  mereka dalam menangani project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman bertahun-tahun.


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