Fire and Gas Detection and Control in the Process Industry Training

Training Descriptions

The fire and gas system is a plant’s protection system. This system will detect a threatening hazard and respond with the activation of a final control element to prevent harm to personnel or damage to equipment. The fire and gas system is dependent on various types of detectors to sense potential hazards before they get out of control. The fire and gas systems must be checked for functionality on a routine basis. Documentation is essential for training, record keeping, and troubleshooting.

This course has been designed to cover an introduction to the fire and gas system, including associated hardware and wiring. In addition to covering the hardware, the course will explore the required software logic that must be programmed into the system to meet the needs of the plant’s shutdown philosophy. The fire and gas system’s preventative action protocol will also be discussed.

Upon completion of the course, Participants will have a better understanding of the operations, maintenance, and testing associated with a fire and gas system. This exposure will better prepare technicians to further expand their knowledge base during on-the-job training and practical experience at the plant site.

Training Syllabus

o Fire Detection
 Flame Detectors
 Smoke Detectors
 Heat Detectors
o Gas Detections
 Combustible Gas Detection
 Toxic Gas Detection
 Oxygen Depletion Detection
o Leak Detection
 Point Leak Detectors
 Camera-based Leak monitoring Systems
o Manual Initiation
o Other Signal

o Star Water Fire Pumps
o Initiated Plant Alarm
o Local Indication
o Close Fire Doors and Allow Egress
o Control Ventilation System
o Isolate Ignition Sources
o Unit Control Panel (UCP) Trips
o Initiate Active Fire Protection
o Trip Plant
o Other Action
o Logic Solver
 Initiating (input) Device Interfaces to the Logic Solver
 Serial (addressable) Device Interface
 Mitigating (addressable) Device Interface
 Fire and Gas System – Application Programing
o Indicating Equipment
 PC Graphics
 Hard wired Display
 Addressable Display
 Diversity of Display
 Access and Security
 Specialised Fire and Gas Operator Functions
o Interface to Other Systems

Training Objectives

The following learning objectives are covered within the training course:

• Comprehensive Understanding of Fire and Gas Detection Systems:

o Role & Action of Fire & Gas Detection
o Performance Requirements
o Design Considerations
o Legislative Requirements
o Industry Code of Practice

• Strengths, limitations of use and characteristics of various detector technologies:

o Flame Detection: UV, UV/IR, IR, IR3, Visual
o Smoke and Heat Detection: Optical Point Smoke Detection, Ionization, Beam Detection, Aspirated Smoke Detection, CCTV Smoke Detection, Point Heat Detection; Rate of Rise, Fixed, Rate Compensated, Fusible Loop, Fire Wire
o Gas Detection: Catalytic Bead, Toxic Gas Detection; Semi-Conductor Sensor Point, Electrochemical Cell, Open Path Laser, IR Gas Detection; Open Path and Point IR, Ultrasonic Gas Detection.

• Hazard Analysis

o Fire and Gas Mapping Demonstrations and Tutorials using HazMap3D.
o Considerations for Fire and Gas Hazards and applying hazard grades
o Analysis of local hazards and subsequent detector locations


• Control Systems Engineers
• Fire and Gas System Technicians
• Fire and Gas System Specialists
• Process Safety Professionals
• Engineering Management

Fire and Gas Detection and Control in the Process Industry
Fire and Gas Detection and Control in the Process Industry


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