English for Production Staff Workshop

DEVELOP Training Center (TM)  menyelenggarakan Training English for Production Staff Workshop yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan skill tentang :

  1. Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Kebutuhan teknis Produksi/Production Specific Conversation Handling
  2. Belajar Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Interaktif Kebutuhan teknis Produksi secara Efektif
  3. memahami kebutuhan orang lain & meningkatkan komunikasi

Materi Training di DEVELOP Training Center (TM) dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi designer & engineer sesuai dengan kebutuhan project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman.

OGC wm_034

DEVELOP mengimplementasikan Syllabus Training English for Production Staff Workshop dengan tahap-tahap pembelajaran berkualitas sbb :

Sesi 1-2

  • Face to face (gestures in a conversation & 2 way interaction. Examples : I’d like to introduce myself, could you come over here a minute?He has to be very organised as his work involves meeting tight, etc)
  • On the phone Conversation (Handling Challenging Conversations and Learning to Deal with Interactions. Examples : if you need any help, do you think you could.., etc)
  • Working together (Examples : we expect to see a huge expansion in …., Many employees are eager to try new ideas,etc)

Sesi 3-4

  • Meetings & Make sure everyone has a chance to give their views.
  • Processes and operations (not knowing all the technical terms, but can effectively describe the process)
  • Dealing with problems (Express Problems & solution ideas in Understandable English)

OGC wm_046


Materi Training di DEVELOP Training Center (TM) dirancang khusus oleh para praktisi designer & engineer sesuai dengan kebutuhan project. Anda akan mendapat sharing ilmu langsung dari para praktisi yang berpengalaman.


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