1. Supply Chain Management Fundamental Comprehensive Workshop


    Supply Chain Management Fundamental Comprehensive Workshop

  2. Procurement Management (Manajemen Pengadaan) Training


    Procurement Management (Manajemen Pengadaan) Training

  3. Managing Project Procurement effectively Workshop


    Managing Project Procurement effectively Workshop

  4. Purchasing Management (Manajemen Pembelian) Workshop


    Purchasing Management (Manajemen Pembelian) Workshop

  5. Project Procurement&Supply Chain Management Workshop


    Project Procurement&Supply Chain Management Workshop

  6. Managing Contract Management effectively Workshop


    Managing Contract Management effectively Workshop

  7. Procurement Costs Spending Budgeting&Planning Analysis Training


    Procurement Costs Spending Budgeting&Planning Analysis Training

  8. Procure to Pay System Training


    Procure to Pay System Training

  9. Contract Administration&Management Workshop


    DEVELOP menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Contract Administration&Management Workshop yang akan melatih Anda diantaranya tentang : Contract Management,Contract Terms&Conditions Changes Management,Claims&Disputes Contract Schedule,Safety&Punch Lists Contract Closeout dll Pembahasan materi mengetengahkan contoh-contoh latihan dalam

  10. Claims Management Strategy&Process Workshop


    Claims Management Strategy&Process Workshop

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