
  1. Preparing Commercial Contracts, Identifying Contractual Risks&Insurance Workshop


    Preparing Commercial Contracts, Identifying Contractual Risks&Insurance Workshop

  2. Managers&Employees on Ethics&Employee’s Code of Conduct&Compliance Workshop


    Managers&Employees on Ethics&Employee’s Code of Conduct&Compliance Workshop

  3. Contract Labour Law&Practices Workshop


    Contract Labour Law&Practices Workshop

  4. Dealing with Endgame Provisions (Contract Termination of Convenience) Workshop


    Dealing with Endgame Provisions (Contract Termination of Convenience) Workshop

  5. Outsourcing Contracts Workshop


    Outsourcing Contracts Workshop

  6. Vendor Management Training


    Vendor Management Training

  7. Statement of Work (SOW)&Vendor Management Workshop


    Statement of Work (SOW)&Vendor Management Workshop

  8. Contract Drafting Techniques Workshop


    Contract Drafting Techniques Workshop

  9. Tendering&Negotiating Contracts Workshop


    Tendering&Negotiating Contracts Workshop

  10. Tender Process Management Training


    Tender Process Management Training

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