Human Resource Management

  1. Sertifikasi Human Resources Supervisor BNSP Workshop


    Sertifikasi Human Resources Supervisor BNSP Workshop

  2. Key Risk Indicators (KRI) Workshop


    Key Risk Indicators (KRI) Workshop

  3. Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu&Outsourcing Workshop


    Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu&Outsourcing Workshop

  4. Recruitment&Selection Based on Competency Workshop


    Recruitment&Selection Based on Competency Workshop

  5. Comprehensive HRIS (Human Resources Information System) Training


    Comprehensive HRIS (Human Resources Information System) Training

  6. Perjanjian Kerja&Outsourcing Training


    Perjanjian Kerja&Outsourcing Training

  7. Talent Pool&Implementation Training


    Talent Pool&Implementation Training

  8. Workload Analysis Teknik&Tahapan Implementasi Workshop


    Workload Analysis Teknik&Tahapan Implementasi Workshop

  9. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Development Workshop


    Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Development Workshop

  10. Fundamentals of Human Resources Training


    Fundamentals of Human Resources Training

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