Business Development&Resources

  1. Happy Worker Productive Worker Effective Practical Workshop


    Happy Worker Productive Worker Effective Practical Workshop

  2. Strategy dan Implementasi Outsourcing yang Benar dan Tepat Strategy Training


    Strategy dan Implementasi Outsourcing yang Benar dan Tepat Strategy Training

  3. Improving Quality of Customer Interaction & Handling Customer Complaint Effective Training


    Improving Quality of Customer Interaction & Handling Customer Complaint Effective Training

  4. Mengelola Serikat Pekerja Strategy Training


    Mengelola Serikat Pekerja Strategy Training

  5. Modern Time Management Effective Practical Workshop


    Modern Time Management Effective Practical Workshop

  6. Pemahaman Penerapan Integrasi RSPO dan ISPO Best Practice Training


    Pemahaman Penerapan Integrasi RSPO dan ISPO Best Practice Training

  7. How To Make A Great Sales Presentation & Negotiation Technique Implementation Practice Training


    How To Make A Great Sales Presentation & Negotiation Technique Implementation Practice Training

  8. Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2015 Based on ISO 19011:2018 Best Implementation Workshop


    Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2015 Based on ISO 19011:2018 Best Implementation Workshop

  9. Measuring Performance Assessor Implementation Practice Training


    Measuring Performance Assessor Implementation Practice Training

  10. Improving Business Performance through Value Stream Mapping Best Implementation Workshop


    Improving Business Performance through Value Stream Mapping Best Implementation Workshop

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