1. Schedule Development,Control&Multi Disciplinary Interface Development Training


    Schedule Development,Control&Multi Disciplinary Interface Development Training

  2. Kajian Kelayakan Proyek/Project Scope&Execution Plan Development Workshop


    Kajian Kelayakan Proyek/Project Scope&Execution Plan Development Workshop

  3. Diploma Project Management Workshop


    Diploma Project Management Workshop

  4. Risk Management Systems Awareness (ISO 31000:2018) Workshop


    Risk Management Systems Awareness (ISO 31000:2018) Workshop

  5. Accredited Project Manager Training


    Accredited Project Manager Training

  6. Project Document Control Specialist Training


    Project Document Control Specialist Training

  7. Front End Engineering Design Management Workshop


    Front End Engineering Design Management Workshop

  8. Construction Cost Estimator Best Practice Implementation Training


    Construction Cost Estimator Best Practice Implementation Training

  9. Manajemen Kesekretariatan Practical Workshop


    Manajemen Kesekretariatan Practical Workshop

  10. Office Management and Administration Filing System Practical Workshop


    Office Management and Administration Filing System Practical Workshop

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