1. Turnaround Planning&Analysis Workshop


    Turnaround Planning&Analysis Workshop

  2. Project Readiness Review Training


    Project Readiness Review Training

  3. Project Progress and Site Management Workshop


    Project Progress and Site Management Workshop

  4. Parametric Estimating Method Cost Estimate Method for Petrochemical Training


    Parametric Estimating Method Cost Estimate Method for Petrochemical Training

  5. Three-Point Estimating Method (Most likely,Optimistic&Pessimistic Scenario) for Power Plant Training


    Three-Point Estimating Method (Most likely,Optimistic&Pessimistic Scenario) for Power Plant Training

  6. Project Master Schedule Development&Progress Monitoring and Control Training


    Project Master Schedule Development&Progress Monitoring and Control Training

  7. FEED Mechanical Training


    FEED Mechanical Training

  8. Refinery Construction & Fabrication Management Workshop


    Refinery Construction & Fabrication Management Workshop

  9. Project Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and Cost Estimation Training


    Project Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and Cost Estimation Training

  10. Scheduling and Resource Management for Small Businesses Training


    Scheduling and Resource Management for Small Businesses Training

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