Petroleum Engineering

  1. Shaft Vibration Analysis Workshop


    Shaft Vibration Analysis Workshop

  2. Centrifugal Compressor&Steam Turbines Fitness-for-service (FFS) assessment Training


    Centrifugal Compressor&Steam Turbines Fitness-for-service (FFS) assessment Training

  3. Managing Downstream Oil & Gas Operations Globally Training


    Managing Downstream Oil & Gas Operations Globally Training

  4. Introduction to Reservoir Engineering Workshop


    Introduction to Reservoir Engineering Workshop

  5. Shutdown Turnaround Recommended Practice Workshop


    Shutdown/Turnround adalah kegiatan Maintenance perawatan menyeluruh pada unit train produksi/pabrik.Unit produksi yang mengalami shutdown akan berhenti produksi secara total &hampir seluruh alat produksi akan dimatikan. Hal ini bertujuan agar seluruh

  6. Advanced Well Testing, Enhanced Testing Techniques Training


    Advanced Well Testing, Enhanced Testing Techniques Training

  7. Gas Flow Station (Gas Turbine and Air Compressor) in the Oil and Gas Industry Workshop


    Gas Flow Station (Gas Turbine and Air Compressor) in the Oil and Gas Industry Workshop

  8. Production Allocation System for Oil and Gas Training


    Production Allocation System for Oil and Gas Training

  9. Operator Produksi Muda OPM Workshop&Certification


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Sertifikasi Oil Gas Well Operator (Operator Produksi Muda/OPM, yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda untuk memahami dan menguasai aspek-aspek operasi produksi minyak gas bumi lepas pantai

  10. Technology of Drilling Fluids Workshop


    Technology of Drilling Fluids Workshop

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