
  1. Plant Process Hazard Assessment&Telaah/Penelaahan Desain Training


    Plant Process Hazard Assessment&Telaah/Penelaahan Desain Training

  2. Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya & Beracun Training


    Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya & Beracun Training

  3. Health,Safety&Environment/HSE Implemenation for Oil,Gas&Petrochemical Training


    Health,Safety&Environment/HSE Implemenation for Oil,Gas&Petrochemical Training

  4. Safety Integrity Level Case Study&Discussion Training


    Safety Integrity Level Case Study&Discussion Training

  5. Tanggap Darurat Kebencanaan (TDK) Workshop


    Tanggap Darurat Kebencanaan (TDK) Workshop

  6. Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Laboratorium Training


    Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Laboratorium Training

  7. LOPA Conditional Modifier (Probability of ignition,person present,fatal injury&financial loss) Training


    LOPA Conditional Modifier (Probability of ignition,person present,fatal injury&financial loss) Training

  8. K3 Industri Kimia Workshop


    K3 Industri Kimia Workshop

  9. Safety Integrity Elements Workshop


    Safety Integrity Elements Workshop

  10. Hazardous Material Handling Management Workshop


    Hazardous Material Handling Management Workshop

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