Power Transmission

  1. HV Electrical Inspection Training


    HV Electrical Inspection Training

  2. Power Plant Start-Up, Commissioning And Troubleshooting Training


    Power Plant Start-Up, Commissioning And Troubleshooting Training

  3. Pump Overhaul Procedures Training


    Pump Overhaul Procedures Training

  4. Contractor Quality Control Plan for Instrument equipment Installation Training


    Contractor Quality Control Plan for Instrument equipment Installation Training

  5. Medium Voltage Grounding Systems Design and Assessment Training


    Medium Voltage Grounding Systems Design and Assessment Training

  6. Functional Test of UCP Quality Control&Inspection Workshop


    Functional Test of UCP Quality Control&Inspection Workshop

  7. Geothermal Plant Performance Test Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Geothermal Plant Performance Test. Pelatihan dilaksanakan melalui penyampaian materi dan diskusi interaktif di dalam kelas. Peserta pelatihan diajak untuk sepenuhnya aktif dalam memahami materi yang

  8. Advanced High Voltage Substation Maintenance Training


    Advanced High Voltage Substation Maintenance Training

  9. Balance of Plant/BOP System in Power Plant&Power Industry Workshop


    Balance of Plant/BOP System in Power Plant&Power Industry Workshop

  10. Electrical Installation and Maintenance Training


    Electrical Installation and Maintenance Training

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