Power Generation (Pembangkitan)

  1. Fault Analysis for Substation Design Training


    Fault Analysis for Substation Design Training

  2. Diesel Engine Noise Sound Level Measurement for Healthy Working Environment Training


    Diesel Engine Noise Sound Level Measurement for Healthy Working Environment Training

  3. Infrared Thermography for Electrical&Instrument Engineers Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Infrared Thermography for Electrical&Instrument Engineers Training yang sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang: Termografi Inframerah yang diterapkan pada sistem kelistrikan Termografi Inframerah untuk pemeliharaan preventif

  4. Mining Facilities Electrical Solutions Training


    Mining Facilities Electrical Solutions Training

  5. Machinery Maintenance Fundamentals Training


    Machinery Maintenance Fundamentals Training

  6. Quality Leadership for Supervisors Training


    Quality Leadership for Supervisors Training

  7. CCTV ITP/Inspection & Test Plan Training


    CCTV ITP/Inspection & Test Plan Training

  8. Electrical and Instrument Engineering Best Practices Training


    Electrical and Instrument Engineering Best Practices Training

  9. Grounding and Lightning Protection System Training


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Grounding and Lightning Protection System Training yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang Prinsip-prinsip Power System Protection Principles,Skema esential untuk Electrical Protection System, Lightning Protection System

  10. Electrical Safety for Firefighters Training


    Electrical Safety for Firefighters Training

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