Power Distribution

  1. Electrical Protection Practices Training


    Electrical Protection Practices Training

  2. Start Up&Shutdown Sequences Strategy Workshop


    Start Up&Shutdown Sequences Strategy Workshop

  3. Shutdown&Turn Around SIMOPS Training


    Shutdown&Turn Around SIMOPS Training

  4. Maintenance of Generator Supervisory Equipment Protection Training


    Maintenance of Generator Supervisory Equipment Protection Training

  5. Hydroelectric Power Plant Workshop


    Hydroelectric Power Plant Workshop

  6. Generator Steam Turbine Training


    Generator Steam Turbine Training

  7. Electrical Safety for Crane and Heavy Equipment Operators Training


    Electrical Safety for Crane and Heavy Equipment Operators Training

  8. QAQC Technical Electrical HV/MV Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas QAQC Technical Electrical HV/MV Workshop yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang : Inspeksi Kelistrikan/Electrical QAQC&Inspection sesuai dengan Standar Internasional Aplikasi teknik-teknik terkait Electrical QAQC&Inspection Inspeksi

  9. Non Destructive Test (NDT),Coating&Cathodic Engineering Workshop


    DEVELOP Training Center menyelenggarakan Kelas Non Destructive Test (NDT),Coating&Cathodic Engineering Workshop yang akan mengajarkan kepada Anda tentang : Lapisan pelindung untuk mencegah korosi/ Coating sebagai mekanisme pengawetan Sumber Penyebab korosi

  10. Proposal Resource Management Training


    Proposal Resource Management Training

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